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7 Mei 2021

About Bitcoin


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The name bitcoin has been around for a long time and people have been enthusiastically transacting or investing in one of these types of cryptocurrency. The profits are also very tempting because the increase in valuation from time to time is extraordinary. In Indonesia, there is already a large user base, and several companies have stood specifically to become bitcoin trading (transaction) platforms. Bitcoin is often seen as a new investment instrument with great potential for maximizing profits.

At this stage, you may already be interested in getting to know more about what bitcoin is, how bitcoin works. What is Bitcoin? See the Complete Explanation Regarding Bitcoin! - The name bitcoin has been around for a long time and people are enthusiastically transacting or investing in one of these types of cryptocurrency. The profits are also very tempting because the increase in valuation from time to time is extraordinary. In Indonesia, there are already many user bases, and several companies have stood specifically to become bitcoin trading platforms.

Bitcoin is often seen as a new investment instrument with great potential for maximizing profits. At this stage, you may already be interested in getting to know more about what bitcoin is, how bitcoin works. Bitcoin is a new currency or electronic money created in 2009 by someone who uses the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto.

Bitcoin is mainly used in transactions on the internet without using intermediaries, aka not using bank services. It's just that, the system works without a single storage or administrator where the United States Department of the Treasury calls bitcoin a decentralized currency. Unlike other currencies in general, bitcoin does not depend on one major issuer.

Bitcoin uses a distributed database and spreads across the nodes of a P2P network to transaction journals. It also uses cryptography to provide basic security functions, such as ensuring that bitcoin can only be used by the person who owns it, and never more than once. As a result, bitcoin can be used in various types of transactions, such as buying internet servers, buying fashion products and so on.

There are also many people who only trade bitcoin as a profitable investment activity, and many have become rich because of it. This was influenced by the price of bitcoin which reached hundreds of millions of rupiah in 2017. Unlike the money that is usually stored in bank accounts, bitcoins are basically stored on personal computers in the file wallet format, or stored in wallets provided by third parties.

Ownership does not require identity, You can be owned by an anonymous.

I Got The Skills

I am passionate about combining my technical, fundamental and investment instincts to read and analyze the markets. I have a desire to make a decision on a price forecast that is correct and pleasing to both me and my investors.

Technical Analyst 85%

Fundamental Analyst 80%

price forecasts 95%

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